A description of the Messiah, the King of Peace, and of his eternal and universal reign. Righteousness of rule is the keynote of the psalm.
Parallel Latin-English Psalter: Psalms Index
Psalm 71: Prayer Audio in Latin
{71:1} Psalmus, In Salomonem.
{71:1} A Psalm according to Solomon.
{71:2} Deus iudicium tuum regi da: et iustitiam tuam filio regis: Iudicare populum tuum in iustitia, et pauperes tuos in iudicio.
{71:2} Give your judgment, O God, to the king, and your justice to the king’s son, to judge your people with justice and your poor with judgment.
{71:3} Suscipiant montes pacem populo: et colles iustitiam.
{71:3} Let the mountains take up peace for the people, and the hills, justice.
{71:4} Iudicabit pauperes populi, et salvos faciet filios pauperum: et humiliabit calumniatorem.
{71:4} He will judge the poor of the people, and he will bring salvation to the sons of the poor. And he will humble the false accuser.
{71:5} Et permanebit cum Sole, et ante Lunam, in generatione et generationem.
{71:5} And he will remain, with the sun and before the moon, from generation to generation.
{71:6} Descendet sicut pluvia in vellus: et sicut stillicidia stillantia super terram.
{71:6} He will descend like rain upon fleece, and like showers showering upon the earth.
{71:7} Orietur in diebus eius iustitia, et abundantia pacis: donec auferatur luna.
{71:7} In his days, justice will rise like the sun, with abundance of peace, until the moon is taken away.
{71:8} Et dominabitur a mari usque ad mare: et a flumine usque ad terminos orbis terrarum.
{71:8} And he will rule from sea to sea and from the river to the limits of the whole world.
{71:9} Coram illo procident Æthiopes: et inimici eius terram lingent.
{71:9} In his sight, the Ethiopians will fall prostrate, and his enemies will lick the ground.
{71:10} Reges Tharsis, et insulæ munera offerent: reges Arabum, et Saba dona adducent:
{71:10} The kings of Tarshish and the islands will offer gifts. The kings of Arabia and of Seba will bring gifts.
{71:11} Et adorabunt eum omnes reges terræ: omnes gentes servient ei:
{71:11} And all the kings of the earth shall adore him. All nations will serve him.
{71:12} Quia liberabit pauperem a potente: et pauperem, cui non erat adiutor.
{71:12} For he will free the poor from the powerful, and the poor one who has no helper.
{71:13} Parcet pauperi et inopi: et animas pauperum salvas faciet.
{71:13} He will spare the poor and the indigent, and he will bring salvation to the souls of the poor.
{71:14} Ex usuris et iniquitate redimet animas eorum: et honorabile nomen eorum coram illo.
{71:14} He will redeem their souls from usuries and from iniquity, and their names shall be honorable in his sight.
{71:15} Et vivet, et dabitur ei de auro Arabiæ, et adorabunt de ipso semper: tota die benedicent ei.
{71:15} And he will live, and to him will be given from the gold of Arabia, and by him they will always adore. They will bless him all day long.
{71:16} Et erit firmamentum in terra in summis montium, superextolletur super Libanum fructus eius: et florebunt de civitate sicut fœnum terræ.
{71:16} And there will be a firmament on earth, at the summits of mountains: its fruits will be extolled above Lebanon, and those of the city will flourish like the grass of the earth.
{71:17} Sit nomen eius benedictum in sæcula: ante Solem permanet nomen eius. Et benedicentur in ipso omnes tribus terræ: omnes gentes magnificabunt eum.
{71:17} May his name be blessed forever; may his name remain before the sun. And all the tribes of the earth will be blessed in him. All nations will magnify him.
{71:18} Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel, qui facit mirabilia solus:
{71:18} Blessed is the Lord, God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things.
{71:19} Et benedictum nomen maiestatis eius in æternum: et replebitur maiestate eius omnis terra: fiat, fiat.
{71:19} And blessed is the name of his majesty in eternity. And all the earth will be filled with his majesty. Amen. Amen.
{71:20} Defecerunt laudes David filii Iesse.
{71:20} The praises of David, the son of Jesse, have reached an end.
This page is a part of Latin-English book of Psalms, Catholic Public Domain Version, a new translation of the Latin Vulgate, using the Douay-Rheims as a guide by SacredBible.org. Psalms Audio courtesy of The Boston Catholic Journal. All copyrights belong to their respective owners. No additions, deletions, or changes are to be made to the text or audio files in any way, and the copies may not be sold for a profit.
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