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Te Sæculorum Principem: Thou, Prince of all ages

Liturgical hymns in Gregorian ChantLiturgical hymns in Gregorian Chant
Liturgical hymns in Gregorian ChantLiturgical hymns in Gregorian Chant
Liturgical hymns in Gregorian Chant. CD includes “Te Saeculorum Principem”

Te Sæculorum Principem (Thou, Prince of all ages) is a very moving hymn, expressing love and desire for Jesus Christ and His reign over the hearts and minds of men, but also over society at large. This is a doctrine that has always been taught by the Catholic Church: namely, that Jesus Christ should reign even in the public sphere. His laws should be helped and fostered by the civil laws, which in turn should never contradict the Divine Law.

Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius X, and Archbishop Lefebvre, fought against the perfidious error which spread among Church men, who claim that States have to be without religion. This is what Cardinal Ratzinger used to call an “autonomous social space.” In other words, it means that politicians would not be bound by the Ten Commandments, by the obligation to honor publicly Our Lord Jesus Christ. For this reason, Vatican II has removed the following stanza (6) from the hymn of the feast of Christ the King in the reformed liturgy:

“May the rulers of the world publicly honour and extol Thee;
May teachers and judges reverence Thee;
May the laws express Thine order and the arts reflect Thy beauty”.

Te Sæculorum Principem

Let us all pray for a return to a society where Christ reigns supreme over the individual, the family, and society. Breviary Hymn traditionally sung at Vespers on the Feast of Christ the King as performed here by The Daughters of Mary. All in its integrity – Restore All Things to Christ!

Te Sæculorum Principem in Latin and English

Latin English

1. Te sæculórum Príncipem, Te, Christe, Regem géntium,
Te méntium, te córdium Unum fatémur árbitrum

1. Thou, Prince of all ages, Thou, O Christ, the King of the nations,
we acknowledge Thee the one Judge of all hearts and minds.

2. Scelésta turba clámitat : Regnáre Christum nólumus;
Te nos ovántes ómnium Regem suprémum dícimus.

2. The wicked mob screams out. "We don’t want Christ as king,"
While we, with shouts of joy, hail Thee as the world’s supreme King.

3. O Christe, Princeps Pácifer, Mentes rebélles súbice,
Tuóque amóre dévios Ovíle in unum cóngrega.

3. O Christ, peace-bringing Prince, subjugate the rebellious minds:
And in Thy love, bring together in one flock those going astray.

4. Ad hoc cruénta ab árbore Pendes apértis brácchiis,
Diráque fossum cúspide Cor igne flagrans éxhibes.

4. For this, with arms outstretched, Thou hung, bleeding, on the Cross,
and the cruel spear that pierced Thee, showed man a Heart burning with love.

5. Ad hoc in aris ábderis Vini dapísque imágine,
Fundens salútem fíliis Transverberáto péctore.

5. For this, Thou art hidden on our altars under the form of bread and wine,
and pour out on Thy children from Thy pierced side the grace of salvation.

6. Te natiónum prǽsides Honóre tollant público,
Colant magístri, júdices, Leges et artes éxprimant.

6. May the rulers of the world publicly honour and extol Thee;
May teachers and judges reverence Thee;
May the laws express Thine order and the arts reflect Thy beauty.

7. Submíssa regum fúlgeant Tibi dicáta insígnia :
Mitíque sceptro pátriam Domósque subde cívium.

7. May kings find renown in their submission and dedication to Thee.
Bring under Thy gentle rule our country and our homes.

8. Jesu tibi sit gloria, Qui sceptra mundi temperas,
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu, In sempiterna sæcula. Amen.

8. Glory be to Thee, O Jesus, supreme over all secular authorities;
And glory be to the Father and the loving Spirit through endless ages.

℣. Multiplicabitur eius imperium.
℟. Et pacis non erit finis.
℣. His empire shall be multiplied.
℟. And there shall be no end of peace.