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Lenten Prayers to Our Lady of Sorrows

Lenten Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows
Lenten Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

O sorrowful Mother Mary, thou art great and sublime in Thy deep sorrow; for it has its source in the holy and ardent love of Thy Heart which knew no other love than the love of God. Ah, my beloved Mother, this love is so wanting in me. I would so gladly be attached with the most perfect love to Thy Divine Son, our Supreme Good.

I thank thee sincerely for the exalted example of the love of God which Thou hast given me in Thy unutterable sorrow; but the mere example will not be sufficient for me to attain a high degree of the love of God. For this I stand in need of a very great grace. What will heal the coldness of my heart and the dullness of my spirit, if grace does not do it? And who can more effectively pray for grace for me than Thou?

Remember, O most loving Mother, that Holy Church calls Thee the Mother of mercy. This mercy, however, becomes most glorified when thou dost apply it to poor sinners, who stand in great need of it. Trusting in thy goodness, thy clemency, and thy power, I cry to thee from the depth of my misery: have pity on me, O Mother of mercy, and do not grow weary of praying for me, until I shall have entered into the kingdom of eternal happiness. Amen.

St. Bridget Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculate Mother of God, who didst endure a martyrdom of love and grief, beholding the sufferings and sorrows of Jesus! Thou didst co-operate in the benefit of my redemption by thy innumerable afflictions and by offering to the Eternal Father His only-begotten Son as a holocaust and victim of propitiation for my sins. I thank thee for the unspeakable love which led thee to deprive thyself of the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus, true God and true Man, to save me, a sinner. Oh! make use of the unfailing intercession of thy sorrows with the Father and the Son, that I may steadfastly amend my life and never again crucify my loving Redeemer by new sins; arid that, persevering till death in His grace, I may obtain eternal life through the merits of His Cross and Passion. Amen.
Mother of love, of sorrow, and of mercy, pray for us.

Psalter Prayers in Latin and English

According to traditional catholic calendar, the feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary is liturgically celebrated on Friday of the “Passion Week”,  just before Palm Sunday,  and on September 15th.