Kyriale Romanum


Kyriale Roman is an extract from the 1961 Graduale, and paperback copies are priced for wide distribution. This is the ideal edition for pews in parishes with high musical aspirations. Softcover, 164 pages. 6″ x 9″.


The Kyriale is the true people’s songbook for the Roman Rite of the Mass. This extract from the 1961 Graduale includes the sprinking rite chants, 18 settings of the Ordinary, the Requiem Mass, the tones for the readings, and the Gloria Patri, as well as the Alleluias, Te Deum, and hymns for Corpus Christi, plus index.

Kyriale Romanum edition is 164 pages, and paperback copies are priced for wide distribution. This is the ideal edition for pews in parishes with high musical aspirations.

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