Crucifixion to Creation: Roots of the Traditional Mass Traced back to Paradise


Crucifixion to Creation explores our participation in this victory of good over evil through our own participation in Jesus’ Sacrifice of Calvary. This book shows that the roots of the traditional Roman liturgy can be traced back from the Crucifixion. By Fr James Mawdsley. Paperback ‏: ‎ 307 pages, ‎ 6 x 9 inches.


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Crucifixion to Creation explores our participation in this victory of good over evil through our own participation in Jesus’ Sacrifice of Calvary. This book shows that the roots of the traditional Roman liturgy can be traced back from the Crucifixion, through to the worship in Solomon’s Temple, and further back to the Tabernacle made by Moses and through to the Garden of Eden and even beyond.

This book examines certain eternal elements of Holy Mass, the immutable pattern underlying them, the personal cause of the unity in all Creation, and the greatest wonder on Earth. Before drawing suitable conclusions, the book surveys how drastic changes in the Catholic Church since the 1950s tear up the ancient roots, obscuring the Way to God.

What was lost by our first parents in Paradise was returned myriadfold by Christ on Calvary — we lost a fragile immortality but gained participation in imperishable, divine immortality. The Mass of Ages transmits to us that Life from the Cross which exceeds the life — on offer or forbidden — of every fruit in Eden. Crucifixion to Creation is written to elevate our participation in Holy Mass and to awaken the deepest love for Tradition, for this draws us into eternity, into divine charity and immediate knowledge of the love of all the saints and angels.

The light of the New Testament, which has spread worldwide, makes it possible to discover truths hidden in the Old Testament. These truths were hidden long ago by God in order that they be found when He judges fit by those who search. They are there to keep us ahead of the enemy. satan has sown weeds in God’s field, so that today both Church and state are largely governed by faithless men. But the enemies of God, the enemies of mankind, lose. The New Old series of books explore these themes. Adam’s Deep Sleep  examines the foundation of all, Jesus Christ and His Passion.