Chants of the Church by the Monks of Solesmes – this marvelous find was published in 1953, a rare example of a chant collection in Solesmes-style notation with Latin texts, plus literal English translations underneath the words of the chant. For this reason, this book is especially useful in today’s parish environment when translations are helpful for singers unfamiliar with Latin. Included here are all the primary chants used in parish settings. The book also includes an excellent primer at the front in how to sing chant and read the notation. Having this back in print is a special gift in the current environment.
It is an axiom with authorities on Plain Chant that the words are more important than the melodies; in other words, that the liturgical text takes precedence over the music to which it is sung, and in fact, determines the manner of rendering the music, since the same melody is sometimes found attached to various texts of quite different character.
Unfortunately there are few organists or singers nowadays whose knowledge of Latin is sufficient to enable them to follow easily the meaning of the liturgical texts. So it seemed desirable to the editor of this manual of Plain Chant that a literal and word-for-word rendering of the Latin should be printed immediately below the Latin text in such a way that the sense could be followed as the words are sung.
” I will pray in a tongue “, says St. Paul, ” but I will also pray with the understanding “. Surely our singing will give greater glory to God and greater edification to our neighbor and to ourselves if we do it with understanding as well as with artistic propriety. God grant that this little book may contribute something to such a ” reasonable service ” on the part of those who participate in the Church’s liturgy as members of choirs and singing congregations.
Chants of the Church Sample Page
Chants of the Church Index
The Asperges
The Vidi Aquam
I. In Paschal Time
II. On Solemn Feasts I
III. On Solemn Feasts 2
IV. On Double Feasts I
VIII. On Double Feasts. 2
IX. On Feasts of Onr Lady 1
X. On Feasts of Onr Lady 2
XI. On Sundays throughout the Year
XII. On Semidouble Feasts
XV. On Simple Feasts
XVI. On Fetias throughout the Year
XVII. On Sundays in Advent and Lent
XVIII. On Feasts in Advent and Lent
Ambrosian Glotia
Credo I
Credo III
Credo IV
Responses at Mass
Tones for the Prayers
At the Gospel
Solemn tone for Preface
Simple tone for Preface
At “Pater Noster”
On the Day of Burial
Requiem Mass
Absolution after Mass
Psalm so. Miserere (Tone I f.)
1. Adorcmus and Laudate Dominum I
2. Adorcmus and Laudate Dominum II
3. Adoremus and Laudate Dominum III
4. Adoro te devote
5. Alma Redemptoris
6. Anima Christi
7. Attende Domine
8. Ave Maria.
9. Ave marls stella
10. Ave Regina
II. Ave verum
12. Christus vincit
13. Confirma hoc
14. Cor Jesu
15. Da pacem Domine
16. Ecce nomen Domini
17. Ecce panis Angelorum
18. Ecce sacerdos
19. Hodie Christus
20. Inviolata
21. Jesu dulcis memoria
22. Laetabundus
23. Languentibus in Purgatorio
24. Litany of the Saints
25. Magnificat (Tone 8 G)
26. Maria Mater gratiae
27. O filii et filiae
28. O gloriosa Virginum
29. O Panis dulcissime
30. Oremus pro Pontificc
31. O salutaris Hostia I
32. O salutaris Hostia II
33. O salutaris Hostia III
34. Pange lingua
35. Panis angelicus
36. Parce Domine
37. Pontifical Blessing
38. Puer natus in Bethlehem
39. Pueri Hebraeorum I
40. Pueri Hebraeorum II
41. Regina caeli
42. Rorate caeli
43. Rosa vernans
44. Sacerdos et Pontifex
45. Salve Mater
46. Salve Regina
47. Stabat Mater
48. Sub tuum praesidium
49. Tamum ergo I
50. Tantum ergo II
51. Tantum ergo III
52. Te decet taus
53. Te Deum (Simple Tone)
54. Te Joseph celebrent
55. Tota pulchra es
56. Ubi caritas
57. Veni Creator Spiritus
58. Veni Sancte Spiritus
59. Vexilla Regis
60. Victimae paschali Iandes