Adam’s Deep Sleep: The Passion of Jesus Christ Prefigured in the Old Testament

US$ 17.00

Adam’s Deep Sleep examines the foundation of all, Jesus Christ and His Passion. This is the first book written by Fr James Mawdsley in the New Old series, finding Jesus Christ present in the Old Testament. By Fr James Mawdsley. Paperback. 219 pages , 6″ x 9″.


SKU: NOP-1739581601 Category:

Adam’s Deep Sleep examines the foundation of all, Jesus Christ and His Passion. This is the first book written by Fr James Mawdsley in the New Old series, finding Jesus Christ present in the Old Testament — it seems on every page!

Why in order to create Eve did God send a “deep sleep” on Adam? Why does Genesis tell us Noah was laid out naked and drunk? Why did God send a “deep sleep” upon Abraham, with dark dread in the midst of his sacrifice, when making a Covenant with him? Beginning with these deep sleeps experienced by Adam, Noah, and Abraham, this book finds more than a dozen instances of sleep featured in the Old Testament which each foreshadow the Passion of Jesus Christ.

The various examples highlight different aspects of the Crucifixion, the goods which belong to the Cross. They teach us to expect the Cross in our own life, and to be confident of the graces it contains if we carry it. Inspiring us in our trials, together the Old Testament figures work to give us an invincible faith in God’s Plan for our redemption, as they demonstrate that the Sacrifice of His Beloved Son was foreknown from the beginning.

The light of the New Testament, which has spread worldwide, makes it possible to discover truths hidden in the Old Testament. These truths were hidden long ago by God in order that they be found when He judges fit by those who search. They are there to keep us ahead of the enemy. satan has sown weeds in God’s field, so that today both Church and state are largely governed by faithless men. But the enemies of God, the enemies of mankind, lose. The New Old series of books explore these themes.