“The Dominican Order, which from its very beginning has been most devoted in honoring the Blessed Virgin, and by which the institution and propagation of the Confraternity of the Rosary was accomplished, holds as its inheritance all that belongs to this devotion.”
– Pope Leo XIII, Ubi Primum, n. 1.
Until the promulgation of Inter Oecumenici in 1964, the blessing of Rosaries was a reserved blessing, and only priests of the Dominican Order could bless them. That is why the traditional Roman Rituals do not contain a blessing for Rosaries. It would be appropriate to seek the Dominican Priest (Order of Preachers) to bless your rosary, however, your local priest will be more than happy to bless your rosary as well. Just ask him to follow the rosary blessing prayers below.
Blessing of Rosaries in English
According to the Rite of the Order of Preachers
[White stole]
[℣.] Our help is in the name of the Lord.
[℟.] Who hath made heaven and earth.
[℣.] The Lord be with you.
[℟.] And with thy spirit.
[℣.] Let us pray.
Almighty and merciful God, in Thy great charity and out of love for us, Thine only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ didst descend to earth, was announced by the Angel, received flesh in the holy womb of our Lady, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary; was crucified and became subject to death; and on the third day gloriously willed to rise from the dead, in order that we might be delivered from the power of the devil:
We beg Thy great mercy, that this Rosary used by the assembly of Thy faithful for the honor and praise of the same Mother of Thy Son, may be ✞ blessed and ✞ sanctified; so that through the overflowing power of Thy Holy Ghost, at whatever hour or in whatever place it is carried, or retained in their homes, through it, according to the institutes of Thy holy Society, they may be led to Thee by the contemplation of Thy divine mysteries in devout prayer, being nourished and preserved in abundant devotion. Partaking of all the graces, privileges, and indulgences which the Holy See has granted to the Order of Preachers; may they always and everywhere be protected from every visible or invisible power of this world; and upon leaving it, may the same Blessed Virgin Mother of God present them to Thee, robed in an abundance of good works. This we ask of Thee through the same Jesus Christ . . . world without end.
[℟.] Amen.
The Rosary is sprinkled with holy water.
Blessing of Rosaries in Latin
According to the Rite of the Order of Preachers
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