The Charismatic Graces


Fr. Hagen’s authoritative text on the nature of the charismatic graces. This book also includes “The Nature and Psychology of Diabolic Influence” by Fr. Ripperger, which addresses other topics not addressed in Hagen’s work. Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. Hardcover, 6″ x 9″, 145 pages.


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Charismatic Graces contains Latin and English text of “Charismata” by Father M. Hagen, and The Nature and Psychology of Diabolic Influence by Fr. Ripperger.

The resurgence of interest in the Charismata, or Charismatic graces, in the last 40 years has given rise to differences of theological outlook arising from Catholic and Protestant sources. This text addresses those various topics and differences and is divided into three parts. The first part is a translation of Fr. Hagen’s authoritative text on the nature of the charismatic graces by Ryan Grant. The second part is the original Latin text of Fr. Hagen, which is provided here for the sake of scholars who wish to read the original text which is rare and hard to find. The third part is a chapter, originally from Fr. Ripperger’s work The Nature and Psychology of Diabolic Influence, which addresses other topics not addressed in Hagen’s work.

The Charismatic Graces – Table of Contents

Abbreviations viii

Part I: Charismata by Martin Hagen, S.J.


I. On the Nature, End, and Duration of Charisms in General

  1. The Term
  2. The Concept
  3. Finis
  4. Duration

II. On Each Charism in Specie

  1. Number
  2. Apostle. Word of Wisdom
  3. Evangelist
  4. Doctor. The Word of Knowledge
  5. Prophesy
  6. Discernment of Spirits
  7. Exhortation
  8. Psalmus
  9. Faith. Healing. Virtues
  10. Helps. Governments
  11. Different Classes

III. On the Gifts of Tongues and Interpretation

Part II: Charismata (Latin Text) by Martin Hagen, S.J.


I. De nature.fine. duratione charismatum in genere

  1. Nomen
  2. Conceptus
  3. Finis
  4. Duratio

II. De singulis charisma tis in specie

  1. Numerus
  2. Apostolus. Sermo sapientae
  3. Evangelista
  4. Doctor. Senno scientiae
  5. Propheta
  6. Discretio spirituum
  7. Exhortatio
  8. Psalmus
  9. Fides. Sanitates. Virtutes
  10. Opitulationes. Gubernationes
  11. Variae classes.

Part III: Charismatic Graces and Their Diabolic Inversions by Fr. Chad Ripperger

I. The Distinctions of Grace: Gratia Grat um Faciens

II. Gratia Gratis Data in Genere

A. The Nature ofGGD Itself
B. The Finality of GGDs
C. Gratuity of GGDs
D. Questions about GGDs

III. GGDs in Specie

A. The Divisions of the GGDs
B. The Charismatic Graces Themselves

  1. Faith (Fides)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  2. Word of Wisdom (Sermo Sapientiae)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  3. Word of Knowledge (sermo scientiae)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  4. The Gift of Tongues (Genera Linguarum or Glossolalia)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
    c. Human Version
  5. The Interpretation of Tongues (lnterpretatio Sermonurn)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  6. The Cognate Office of Prophecy (Prophetia)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  7. The Discerning of Spirits tDiscretio Spirituum)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  8. The Power of Miracles I ( Operatio Virtutum)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  9. The Power of Miracles II: The Grace of Healing (Gratia Sanitatumi
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  10. The Apostolate (Apostolatus)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  11. The Office of Teacher (Doctor)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  12. Helps (Antilepseis, Opitulationes)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  13. The Gift of Governing Gubernationes)
    a. Authentic Gift
    b. Diabolic Inversion
  14. Other Charismatic Graces

III. Quodlibetal Observations about GGDs

  • Conclusion


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