Religious Customs in the Family: The Radiation of the Liturgy into Catholic Homes


Many beautiful; traditional religious customs that will give Catholic homes a truly Catholic spirit year round: E.g.; blessing of children; name days; feast days; Advent and Christmas customs; etc. Great reading for all. Essential to help every Catholic family overcome secularism. Paperbound, 128 pages.


Religious Customs in the Family: The Radiation of the Liturgy into Catholic Homes – Many beautiful; traditional religious customs that will give Catholic homes a truly Catholic spirit year round: E.g.; blessing of children; name days; feast days; Advent and Christmas customs; etc. Great reading for all. Essential to help every Catholic family overcome secularism. Shows the religious source of even such common things as pretzels; hot cross buns; the Easter ham; Thanksgiving Day; Spring Cleaning; etc. What parts of the Christmas Tree are Catholic; and which ones came from secular influence. Very interesting and useful!

Religious Customs in the Family – INDEX


The Holy Sacrifice
The Sacraments
Family Prayer
Holy Water
The Sign of the Cross
The Blessing of Children
Baptismal Names
The Name-Day
The Celebration of Feasts


The Advent Wreath
St Nicholas
Preparation for Christmas
Santa Claus
The Christmas Crib
The Christmas Tree
Other Christmas Customs
From Christmas to Epiphany
You Are My Valentine
Customs of Lent
Holy Week
Easter Symbols and Customs
Veneration and Feasts of Mary
All Saints Day, All Souls Day, Halloween
Some Feasts of Saints
Appendix 1 – Popular Saints’ Names
Appendix 2 – The Advent Wreath
Appendix 3 – The “O Antiphons”
Appendix 4 – How to Gain a Plenary Indulgence

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