The Coming of Christ: A Celebration of Faith in His Name


The Coming of Christ is sung by the Gloriæ Dei Cantores Schola and conducted by Dr. Mary Berry, CBE, these renowned experts bring a wealth of experience to the interpretation of the Gregorian chant.


The Coming of Christ is sung by the Gloriæ Dei Cantores Schola and conducted by Dr. Mary Berry, CBE, these renowned experts bring a wealth of experience to the interpretation of the Gregorian chant. Well-known pieces alternate with numerous antiphons to bring us closer to the time of Christ’s birth and early childhood. The prophetic announcements, the longing and anticipation of Christ’s birth as well as the joy of the angels’ message are all vividly portrayed in the Gregorian chant. Chant-based organ works by French composers Alexandre Guilmant and Charles-Marie Widor frame this program celebrating the life of Christ.

“Gregorian Chant sung in authentic style it is the first CD of a projected series ‘that illuminates the life of Jesus through the exquisite music of the Gregorian chant.’ The choice of Gregorian chants in between these works is original and intriguing an anthology of 35 melodies from the Christmas season. Some are fairly well known, but several of them are rarities that add interestingly to the available recorded repertory they sing with absolute fluency and authority. They sing in the best-researched Solesmes style something that is still not often heard. Gramophone’s own Mary Berry conducts with unassailable authority. The singers create an atmosphere that is retained impressively throughout.”  —Gramophone    


Responsory : Aspiciens a longe


Hodie Christus Natus Est


Puer Natus Est Nobis


The Coming of Christ: A Celebration of Faith in His Name – Gregorian Chant CD Titles

Creator alme siderum / Alexandre Guilmant
Responsory : Aspiciens a longe
Rorate cæli desuper
Antiphon : O Emmanuel
Communion : Ecce virgo
Antiphon : Missus est Gabriel
Offertory : Ave Maria
Antiphon and solemn Benedictus : Puer qui natus est
Invitatory : Christus natus est
Introit : Puer natus est nobis
Alleluia : Dies sanctificatus
Antiphon : Quem vidistis
Antiphon : Genuit puerpera
Antiphon : Angelus ad pastores
Antiphon : Facta est cum Angelo
Antiphon : Parvulus filius
Hymn : Christe Redemptor
Responsory : Verbum caro factum est
Antiphon and solemn Magnificat : Hodie Christus natus est
Antiphon : Mirabile mysterium
Communion : Responsum
Antiphon : Lumen ad revelationem gentium
Gradual : Omnes de Saba venient
Communion : Vidimus stellam
Antiphon : Admoniti Magi
Antiphon : Herodes iratus
Communion : Tolle puerum
Antiphon : Ex Ægypto
Antiphon : Ibant parentes Jesu
Antiphon : Non invenientes
Antiphon : Fili quid fecisti
Antiphon : Descendit Jesus
Symphonie gothique. Final (Allegro) / Charles-Marie Widor